Ever meet someone and think to yourself; “Holy FUCK! this person is the best thing since Microwave Popcorn in a Pop-up Bowl!!!!”
There’s this strange phenomena that occurs whenever I am feeling lonely, and I meet anyone that can form a sentence using adverbs and adjectives without hash tagging them. This phenomena is what I refer to as “Falling off the mother fucking cliff” why do I call it that? Go fall off a cliff, and it won’t take long before you too realize just how helpless it is to fight what is happening to you. No matter what you try to do, you can’t stop falling. (Just like that Alicia Keys song.) So, resolve yourself to the fact that you fell off the cliff and accept that you are now falling. If you can’t resolve yourself to falling, you’re just going to come off as a lunatic. (Kind of like Tyler Duerden in Fightclub as he fights himself in the parking lot.) So… there is some advice for people out there that have found themselves falling off the cliff, and it is really simple.
So, back to my falling off the mother fucking cliff. Imagine this, in the midst of moving basecamp, just as I was getting some of the finer details set in place and figuring, yes I’m good, I can do this, then in struts a hiker dressed to the nines in the latest hiking technology with all the gear you thought you would want to have. They’re there, standing in the middle of your solitude and looking down on you as though they’re just as surprised to see you as you are them. Now, keeping in mind, I’ve been in various parts of the bush since the fall. I don’t get a lot of interaction with people. Usually when I do, it’s in a controlled and coordinated manner. Having someone take the reins and walk into my world where I have no control was a bit off putting. I was unsure if what was happening was real.
Then, we spoke, for hours actually. It seemed like there would never be anything we couldn’t talk about. Maybe it was the loneliness and the isolation that did it, and that human interaction felt so good at this moment. I don’t know. What I do know is that somehow I lost my footing and fell off that mother fucking cliff. Now, not sure if you’ve been hiking ever or not, but the objective is to follow a trail, or plan and get home before dark. So, like all great things, they must come to an end. I wanted nothing more than for this hiker to stay with me all night, but really, I had just moved my base camp and wasn’t exactly set up to accommodate anyone but myself at this point. Really, what am I supposed to say? “Hey, wanna stick around, I have a great pot of beans and chilli to make, and we can roll up into one sleeping bag for the night…. what do ya say?”
I know many that would scoff me for not trying, but alas, that is not my style. I pointed the hiker in the direction of my blog, wished them well on their way, and gave them some of my earlier jerky that I had made. (It was made from squirrels, and I wasn’t really a fan.)
So, since the hiker disappeared over the summit and returned to where people shower more than once a fortnight, I’m not sure if they will remember me or not. Now, I’m up in this wilderness until spring melt, that is what I planned, and promised myself. I am going no where until then. When I had this encounter, my basecamp had just been moved and much of it was still packed up…. It would be very very easy to get out of here and follow them down the face. Who knows if the hiker even cared about me or if they were just afraid of becoming my “Mountain Wife” and said what they needed to say to get out of here. Needless to say, here I sit thinking about them returning to me, to spend the rest of the winter with me collecting nuts, trapping critters, and roaming the lands like cro-magnon hunter gatherers, grunting and hunting.
It’s been 4 days since they left the basecamp, I expect they made it home and have returned to their normal programming. I’m a bit too far out to expect to see them terribly soon, but I have made instructions to the steno pool monitoring blog comments that they are to make every attempt to send them back out this way after I get some more stores sent out so I can offer a proper reception. That is what is referred to as falling of a mother fucking cliff. It’s irrational processing of thoughts and playing out a storyline faster that it actually plays out so that you can determine if there is a point in continuing. It’s a fantastic little place where you wonder why the heck you do what you do.
So, when you fall off the cliff, because you can’t get back onto it, the best approach is to leave your body, and let your brain take over where the irrational is playing in, only then will you see the truth in what the situation is. I’ve fallen off the cliff as a result of people being nice…. that’s the mind fuck that is referred to as wishful thinking. The only thing worse than falling off the cliff, is for both of you to do it simultaneously. That’s when real damage is done.
I have fallen off the fucking cliff! It is the longest fucking fall ever!! ugh :-P