There comes a point where you start to realize that you're only a man in a silly red cape.... no wait... that wasn't where I was going with this.
I've been busy lately getting basecamp sorted out now that the snow is gone. I've been moving things around, seeing all the damage of the winter to my various equipment. I'm wondering what I need to get done in the next few weeks to make this summer season a success. I've been running this base camp for 24 months now, and It doesn't appear to be getting any easier.
It seems that my suppliers don't have any interest in helping me either, so I'm here running around on my own doing things. To say the least I'm feeling overwhelmed.
What's my plan? I don't know, maybe packing out, and rejoining society. I would have to shave and get a hair cut. I did manage to put together some hard shelter and make myself a work space. It's not too shabby. I had a chance to have a photo taken, I figured I should share it with my wonderful follower, but I can't get upload to work, so that's no good. Oh well, next time.